MediaCD 2.03 Copyright (C) 2002 Bot Productions. May 26, 2002 This document contains an overview of MediaCD and instructions on how to get started. What is MediaCD 2.0? MediaCD 2.0 consists of the MediaCD program, and an accompany- ing Configuration Editor. The MediaCD program is a powerful, lightweight application that is designed for easy viewing of audio and video files on CDs. When burning a CD, simply add MediaCD and several support files to the CD; when you insert the disc, MediaCD will run auto- matically, displaying a list of the media files on the disc. Clicking on a file will play the video or audio file, right in the MediaCD window. In addition, MediaCD can also be run from your hard drive. MediaCD can be customized through use of a configuration file. The Configuration Editor lets you create this file, specifying custom window colors, images, and supported file formats. What's New since Version 1.1? MediaCD 1.1 supported Windows Media Player only, and did not allow you to customize any aspect of the program. Version 2.0 supports customization of the following aspects of MediaCD: - Specify the window's title - Add custom informational text to the left pane - Specify window size, including support for full-screen mode - Choose a custom icon for the window - Display an image in the background - Customize text, hover, and background colors - Replace the default list item bullets - Play a media file automatically upon startup - Turn of automatic sorting into categories and folders - Create your own categores - Specify which file types to display, and which media player to use to play each. The default MediaCD configuration supports, in addition to Windows Media Player, QuickTime and RealPlayer. MediaCD 2.0 is Shareware MediaCD 2.0 is not a free product, but rather is distributed as shareware for purposes of evaluation. This gives you the oppor- tunity to evaluate MediaCD for up to 30 days before you are required to purchase a license. See the file license.txt in the installation folder for more information. A license for MediaCD 2.0 can be purchased for $12.00 (US Dollars) by registering the product with Bot Productions. Your registration will grant you a license to use a single copy of MediaCD 2.0 on your computer system, and the right to distrib- ute custom CDs you create. To purchase and register MediaCD 2.0, visit the MediaCD regis- tration page online. This page details how to pay, via either the Internet, phone, fax, or mail. System Requirements 486/66-based or compatible system, or better (Pentium or better recommended) One of the following Microsoft operating systems: Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows Millenium Edition (Me) Windows 98 Second Edition Windows 98 with Internet Explorer 5 Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5 Windows NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 5 1 MB of available hard drive space CD writer and CD creation software (not required for use only on hard drive) At least one of the following media players is required: Windows Media Player 6.0 or later (6.4 or later recommended) QuickTime (version 5 or later recommended) RealPlayer 6.0 or later CDs you create will run on any system meeting the above requirements. MediaCD does not need to be installed on the user's hard drive to be run from CD. Installation To install MediaCD, run the mcdsetup.exe program. This will begin the MediaCD installation process. MediaCD itself, the Configuration Editor, and several sample configurations will be copied to a folder on your hard drive (the default folder is C:\Program Files\MediaCD). Please note that the sample config- urations include a number of empty media files; they are provided solely for demonstration purposes. Getting Started Open up the Configuration Editor from the MediaCD group on the Start Menu. For help on getting started, click "Getting Started" in the help pane at the bottom of the window. Uninstallation To uninstall MediaCD, open the Control Panel and run the Add/Remove programs applet. Select "MediaCD" from the list of installed programs and click the "Add/Remove..." button. This will delete the files that the installer placed in the MediaCD program folder. CDs you created (and folders containing MediaCD.exe) will continue to function after uninstallation. Contacting Bot Productions If you have any questions, comments, problems, or suggestions, e-mail Bot Productions: For the latest version of MediaCD, visit Bot Productions's web site: